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Balanced Objects


I’m a Biomimicry Practitioner. Hop on the wagon of evolving what we do.


Discover the (not so) hidden gems of nature, so that you can design and apply them in a way that works with 3.8 billion years of proven strategies.

What has become more apparent over the last 5+ years is that our “Business As Usual” is the most UN-usual. The numbers are in:


  • air pollution contributes to 3.7million human deaths a year

  • 1 million species are threatened with extinction

  • we’ve converted 75% of the land that is not covered by ice

  • 6 of the 9 greatest threats to the world are directly related to ongoing destruction of nature, destruction by us, humans, 1 species


We can't solve it with the thinking that got us here. There is a better way.

With her driven personality and quick wit, Ines gets right to work and straight to the point. Her ability to synthesise diverse forms of information makes her work creative, original and refreshing!


 Co-founder & Product Manager at Learn Biomimicry

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